Member Event Calendar
Member Life Cycle Mapping: Finding Key On Ramps, Off Ramps, and Touch Points
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Successful companies know that understanding their customer lifecycle enables them to create more effective strategies for engaging, retaining, and growing. For synagogues, applying the customer lifecycle framework to memberships can enhance member ...
First-Timers Orientation
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
All you ever wanted to know about the NATA Conference. Don't be afraid to ask! This is an orientation and information session for those who have never attended Conference before. Whether you've been in Synagogue Administration for 1 year or 15 years, ...
NATA Conference Buddy/Pod Leader Info Session
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
This Zoom session is for NATA members who volunteered to be a "buddy" to a first-timer at the Conference. In this session, you will learn what it means to be a Buddy. Buddies are matched carefully with first-time Conference attendees, based on a survey ...